Sim GrenadeTM

For Live Training

The Serious Simulations Sim Grenade provides live combat training with a key weapon system not formerly capable of being integrated into Force on Force training. Essentially an electronics package in the shape of a grenade, it features the real components that soldiers interact with – the safety clip, the pull pin, the spoon and hammer. The simulated grenade can be thrown realistically and safely in live training, and provides audio and visual feedback upon impact, and most importantly, it sends proximity data to soldiers training feedback system to stimulate a wound, kill, or miss. The simulated grenade has a patent pending dual technology approach to proximity sensing such that it reacts properly to cover versus simple concealment, reinforcing correct tactical procedures.

A soldier tosses a Sim Grenade™ in operational testing at the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC), Feb 2024

Key aspects of the Sim Grenade:


Can be fashioned into any model of grenade; current model is fashioned to simulate the U.S. Army M67 Fragmentation Grenade


Completely wireless/untethered operation


No pyrotechnics. Eliminates the need for scheduling live or practice grenade ranges to accomplish individual and unit training


Discerns appropriate and inappropriate protective cover being used upon detonation and will not trigger kills or wounds when appropriate protective cover is used


Works "out of box" in both MILES and STE LTS training systems. Also works with Ravenswood's Orion Live Training Systems


Receivers on every target. Weapon skins also can be configured to process grenade signals


Perfectly mimics real grenade employment: with pin, safety clip, hammer and fuse


Soft material shell


Sound and Light (bright LED flash) is emitted from grenade after Fuse time expires


Two weight versions - 8 oz for Live Training, 14 oz for inanimate target practice


Recovery fob, phone/tablet stimulates Sim Grenades to beep and flash


Reusable parts (spoon, pins, clips) enable Sim Grenades to be reset

Sim Grenade™ components; pull ring, safety clip, and spoon;  mimic those found on the M67 hand grenade

 Left to Right: M67 hand grenade, Sim Grenade™

Sim Grenade™ features real soldier-weapon interfaces including real spoons that fly off when employed